nagia & giorgos a wedding in Skiathos

Νάγια & Γιώργος ένας γάμος στη Σκιάθο
Traditional Greek Destination Wedding in Skiathos
This destination wedding, was actually a traditional Greek wedding, where this Greek couple chose to tie the knot on the beautiful island of Skiathos.
As per all Greek traditions, the bride wrote on her shoe and the groom got dressed by his groomsmen and his family. After getting ready, Geirge was patiently waiting for his Nagia in front of the church with all of their guests. After her arrival, the whole party moved to the church, where they started with the traditional Orthodox ceremony in the local church. After the ceremony has ended, at the evening, the party continued at the chosen venue till the morning hours. Followed by the next day love story shoot with the husband and wife.
The whole event was captured by Mirror Studio:
From Nagia and George:
“Skiathos has always been a favorite destination for us. So in the summer of 2016 once again, we traveled to the island with the incredible natural beauty, for our summer holidays. Returning, we both had exactly the same thought, which after a few days became a decision “Our marriage will be the next summer on this dream island of Skiathos”. So the second weekend of September ’17 the words happy-happiness-love-spree accompanied us as well as our beloved friends and relatives. The ceremony, that took place in a mood of emotions, with our loving family and friends from all parts of the earth will forever remain in our thoughts.”
Photography – MirrorStudio
προσκλητήρια- μπομπονιέρες: Bright White
στολισμός ανθοπωλείο: –Messagros Florist’s shop in Skiath os
νυφικό : Νυφικά ευφροσύνη κουτσοβούλου
στέφανα: ORA d’ ARTE
παπούτσια νύφης: DUKAS
make up: Skiathos make-up&nails club
d.j. – μπάντα : Groom Therapy
βέρες: Kessaris
κουστούμι γαμπρού και παπούτσια: Paul Smith
γλυκά : Ορτουλίδης ζαχαροπλαστείο Σκιάθου
catering κ δεξίωση: Kivo Art & Gourmet Hotel
Tags: bridegreecegroomphotography.mirrorstudioweddingwedding photographyweddingdressweddingskiathosφωτογράφιση γάμου